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Allergy high season, child massage has good cure

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Allergy high season, child massage has good cure

Release date:2018-07-07 The author: Click:

Autumn is a season of allergic disease, and many mothers struggle with sudden urticaria and persistent eczema. Let's start by understanding what causes allergies in the spring.


Causes of high incidence of allergic diseases in autumn

In traditional Chinese medicine, children's allergic diseases are mainly related to spleen deficiency, dampness, heat or wind.

1. Spleen and stomach disorder, forming phlegm and dampness.

Autumn gas into liver belong to wood, liver muke spleen soil, spleen and stomach easy to be restrained and its transport valley function maladjusted, water valley can not be converted into qi-blood resulting in phlegm wet, disease qi depression in the body hair not out, resulting in the skin surface red swelling, rashes.

2. The wind is aggressive and easy to cause itching.

Autumn is a windy season. Body empty by the wind, wind into the rationale, and qi-blood fight, and all between the skin. Although not likely to cause pain, it can cause itchy, red and swollen skin, which is our common autumn allergy symptoms.

3, autumn wind is bleak, more allergens.

Pollen, dust mites, bacteria, etc. are all susceptible to allergies. If the skin is not moisturized, it will be more sensitive to the surrounding environment in autumn.

Children massage has a good effect on children allergic diseases. Regular fall massage can strengthen spleen clearing damp, strengthen children's immunity, reduce the incidence of allergic diseases, also can effectively alleviate allergic symptoms.


Allergic disease children massage the basic formula

1. Clear and repair the spleen meridian (thumb, back and forth)


2. Flat liver meridian (index finger, centrifugal push)


3. Lung cleaning (ring finger, centrifugal direction)


4. Sea of blood (sea of blood is an important point for allergic diseases)


Rub or rub your diaphragm


Rub or rub the spleen



Clear the sky


8. Clear colon


9. Clear intestinal meridian


Refund insides at 10.


11. Kneading pool (positioning of the curve pool: position of the center point of the curve elbow and the horizontal line of the elbow)


12. Push down seven bones


13. Belly rub (the strength should be light, and it is better to use the skin surface tissue, that is, the skin does not move the meat)


14. Pinch the spine (to strengthen the spleen, from the bottom up)


15. Knead tri-yin (3 inches above inner ankle)


Massage :(children massage, green treatment)

Common diseases such as allergic constitution, cold, fever, cough, anorexia, diarrhea and constipation, and the intervention effect of massage in children is remarkable:

Age: children between 0 and 12 years old are suitable for massage therapy. The younger the age, the better the treatment effect.

Cure the disease by means of special technique and acupoint, promote the blood circulation of the body, relieve the body pain, and adjust the diet structure to alleviate the pain and eliminate the disease.

Green: no pain, no drug stimulation, safe, gentle conditioning, help to strengthen children's own immunity.

Only when the technique is right can it really work.

The frequency of children's massage should be moderate, not more the better. Should adjust according to specific age, symptom. Son push should be persistent, can not be interested to do every day, exhausted three days fishing two days net. Do with relative regularity and continuity.

This article URL:http://www.aitongguoji.com/en/news/396.html

Key words:艾童堂,石家庄小儿推拿,葫芦灸

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